Kunjungan JICA-DoE ke UT

Universitas Terbuka mendapat kunjungan dari Japan International Cooperation Agency-Department of Education Papua New Guinea (JICA-DoE) mulai tanggal 19 hingga 21 Oktober 2010. Delegasi ini terdiri dari : Dr. Michael Tapo (First Assistant Secretary – Teaching & Learning), Mr. Walipe Wingi (Assistant Secretary – Teacher Education Division), Mr. Ken Miere (Director – Papua New Guinea Education Institute), Mr. Demas Tongogo (Principal - Flexible Open and Distance Education), Mr. Akinori Ito, Education Media Adviser (JICA Expert). Tujuan berkunjung untuk studi banding mengetahui efektivitas dalam penyelenggaraan program guru dengan sistem Pendidikan Jarak jauh melalui ICT yang diselenggarakan oleh Universitas Terbuka. Kunjungan ini diharapkan dapat menjalin kerja sama antara UT dengan Departemen Pendidikan Papua New Guinea.

Beberapa kegiatan yang diikuti oleh delegasi ini dalam tiga hari di UT antara lain perkenalan, dan diskusi yang dilakukan di ruang sidang wisma 2 lantai 2. Delegasi ini melakukan tur ke unit FKIP, Pusat Pengembangan Multimedia (P2M2), Pusat Layanan Bahan Ajar (PUSLABA), Pusat Layanan Pustaka (PUSLATA), Pusat Pengujian (PUSJIAN). Di hari terakhir, delegasi ini akan berkunjung ke UPBJJ-UT Bogor.

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Kerjasama UPBJJ-UT Jakarta dengan GITC Hong Kong

Sebagai tindak lanjut dari Nota Kesepahaman antara UT dengan GITC perihal kerjasama pembukaan layanan UT di Hong Kong, maka pada hari Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010, bertempat di UPBJJ-UT Jakarta, berlangsung penandatanganan Perjanjian Kerja Sama (PKS) antara UPBJJ-UT Jakarta dengan GITC Hongkong. Acara tersebut dilaksanakan secara sederhana namun diwarnai semangat yang tinggi untuk peningkatan mutu layayanan UT kepada mahasiswa.

Kepala UPBJJ-UT Jakarta, Adi Winata menyatakan kegiatan ini sengaja dilakukan dengan segera untuk menyepakati beberapa hal, terutama berkaitan dengan kualitas pengelolaan dan strategi layanan belajar mahasiswa berdomisili Hong Kong. Kegiatan tersebut dihadiri Pembantu Rektor IV, M. Gorky Sembiring, serta seluruh jajaran pimpinan UPBJJ-UT Jakarta dan GITC Hong Kong. Direktur GITC, H. Iwan Giwangkara, menyambut baik kegiatan tersebut. Bapak Iwan menyatakan terima kasih dan penghargaan kepada seluruh jajaran UT atas sambutan yang begitu antusias melebihi target harapan sebelumnya. Dalam kesempatan sambutannya, Bapak Iwan kembali menegaskan bahwa penyelenggaraan layanan UT kepada para Buruh Migran Indonesia (BMI) di Hong Kong sangat membantu meningkatkan kualitas para tenaga kerja Indonesia di luar negeri yang pada saatnya nanti diharapkan dapat mengangkat derajat sosial warga Indonesia di luar negeri, khususnya para BMI di Hong Kong.

Kepala UPBJJ-Ut Jakarta bersalaman dengan Direktur GITC Hongkong disaksikan oleh Pembantu Rektor IV UT

Sementara itu, di ujung sambutannya, Bapak Gorky menjelaskan bahwa pada tanggal 24 Oktober 2010, Rektor UT, Prof. Tian Belawati, didampingi oleh Guru Besar FKIP dan PPs UT, Prof. Udin S. Winataputra serta Ka UPBJJ-UT Jakarta dan staf akan melangsungkan Kuliah Umum Perdana kepada para mahasiswa di Hong Kong. Kegiatan tersebut terselenggara atas kerja sama yang sangat baik antara UT, GITC dan Konsulat Jenderal Republik Indonesia (KJRI) di Hong Kong. Tujuan utama digelarnya Kuliah Umum perdana tersebut untuk memberikan kepercayaan sekaligus jaminan atas terselenggaranya layanan UT untuk mahasiswa di Hong Kong dan Macao dengan baik.

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Universitas Terbuka (UT) is the only state-run university dedicated to distance learning in Indonesia. Generally, UT offers two types of courses, i.e., those designed for prospective participants with high-school level qualifications, and those specifically intended for in-service teachers. Since 2003, UT has also offered graduate study programs designed for urban students who have easy access to the Internet.

The number of students per semester is about 250,000 on average. They include not only those who live in various parts of Indonesia but also Indonesian nationals who reside outside the country. The majority of students, 95%, are working adults and teachers, and 48% represent women. More than 50% of the in-service teachers are sponsored by their employers, such as district and provincial governments, government departments and educational foundations, for their studies.

UT uses mainly printed material for the distance learning courses. The university also uses recorded material, such as on audiocassettes and video cassettes, radio and television programs, and computer- and Internet-based material. Traditionally, students have been provided with face-to-face tutorials. Recently, however, the university has begun providing them via the Internet. There are some problems involving tutorials through the Internet, such as high cost and low computer diffusion rate in the nation. However, the students who use the online tutorials say they are highly satisfied because the tutorials allow students to communicate directly with the university officials.

Nevertheless, even if a group of students share the cost for using online tutorials, it is still a heavy burden for them. In many cases, students take the online tutorials by using Internet kiosks and computers in post offices that can connect to the Internet. As of 2002, UT offered tutorials via the Internet for 191 courses. Under UT’s online tutorial system, students post their questions on a web site and tutors and other students respond to them at their convenience.

In addition, it is becoming necessary for UT to make better use of the Internet for its management work, such as providing information on how to complete formalities, as well as for online tutorials, online counseling and online courses. However, there are only a limited number of students who have their own computers. The number of students who have access to the Internet is much less than the number of students who own their computer. For this reason, UT is considering a plan to form an alliance with Internet service providers, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology and the Indonesian Postal Corporation that run the Internet kiosks.

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Millennium Development Goals or the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is an initiative that was formed in September 2000 by representatives from 189 countries have signed a declaration called the Millennium Declaration. Vision of the future who want to achieve is a world which, among others: the lower the poverty level, the lower the level of hunger and disease, have a high life expectancy is higher for mothers and children, able to provide education for children is better, there is a more healthy environment , braided and cooperation between developed and developing countries better. Millennium Development Goals is a commitment from the international community towards the development of the vision of development, the human as a key to achieve sustainable social and economic development by creating and developing cooperation and global partnership

Distance education, among others, has a nature, capable of reaching a large number of participants, the location of the broad reach, and flexibility in terms of time and place of study. PJJ characteristics have the potential to assist government in achieving the MDGs. Open University (UT), as higher education institutions with the mode PJJ wish to contribute more in achieving the MDGs goals through ideas and experiences. Activities through a national seminar is expected to occur in a meaningful exchange on the real contribution of education, especially PJJ support the achievement of the MDGs in.

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Human Resources - Development of resistor Elementary Education, Secondary and Secondary First Top

Resistor Development Education Elementary, Secondary and Secondary First Up in Indonesia
By: Juliansyah Shariati Pratomo


After the New Order regime fell in 1998, the more we see the Indonesian government is trying to make changes to the system in almost all fields such as in the economy, education, politics, science and technology, and many more that may not be mentioned one by one.
Here we will focus more on the development of the education system in Indonesia. Indonesia, when we state our more detailed analysis is actually a lot of challenges to the development of education, one of the most important is a lack of interest students and various new policies and change as if the students as a rabbit experiment, and also the corruption that is not can only steal the state budget for the present time, but also for the generation of the future that can reduce the state budget to facilitate the development of education that are currently running.
Ground water in our Indonesia, which consists of over 17,000 islands, it is true that we have to akui channels of effective communication and community participation in education development is still very difficult. The development also can not pungkiri that we still can not say fair and equitable, for example, is the big cities usually get far more money and a lot more attention from the government rather than rural areas, which should get "special attentions" from the government but still also not possible.

The quality of education in Indonesia will be improved quickly and significantly when human resources (teachers of quality and professionalism memliki high) and other resources that have been found in Indonesia can be used evenly. However, all this can only be effective if the public voice of education is widely heard and self-reliance or trust in the community are widely accessible.

Then what is actually a resistor of education at this time? And whether that should be faced not only by governments but also by the whole society in the development of education in our beloved country is
There are some things that are very important issues which the main obstacle of the development of education irrespective of the allocation of funds for education from the State Budget / Budget of up to 20% at this time was still not clear sistematika division of authority and improving the human resources that the teacher is important to be sting and should be up, but I will be more focus to the following 2 things;

1. Education in Indonesia have not been up to try to encourage all students to think independently and lack of application of science to analyze things. Indeed, the government has been implementing a solution that is relatively new system that is KBK (Competency-Based Curriculum) for implementing the curriculum in 1994 that analyzes the science and inculcate self-reliance in each student, but if all is running smoothly? The Drs.Yusuf Rianto, Kulon Progo Education Office, this is not a decree which established the Ministry of KBK. So while this policy is the juridical KBK is no formal legal basis. She is now only a rabbit experiment only. Curriculum, which is always change in every turn of the minister of education menajamkan view that there are people unsure on politics and society assume that the government will not have the consistency of a decision that was taken. In the end the siswalah the most disadvantaged, students were forced to accept the changes so quickly, without sufficient reason. He also stressed that this attitude shows that the government is hesitating to take steps quickly and without thinking about the impacts will occur, indicating the government in this case the Ministry is always considered in a hurry, reactive, not transparent and participatory.

2nd Policy Value UAN (National Testing End) / End Semester Examination or the like that are forcing be regarded students. In his article, Mr. Achmad Sentosa, an advisor for the Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia kekhatirannya states that UAN mememperpanjang array will only be a problem in education in Indonesia. Nudity has a very negative impact of the mental development of the Indonesian students. We can take one obvious example, quoted from kompas cyber media in June 2006 edition of a student in SMK Pontianak choose a shortcut to end his life because of the UAN does not pass, it is clear that these policies have been lowering the taste and mentality of students to each other in the knowledge berkompetensi . Article 60 of Law No. 39 of 1999 states that every child is entitled to obtain the education and instruction in personal development in accordance with the interests, talents, and level kecedasannya. If our education system through a conversion policy is not able to appreciate the value of students in accordance with the level of talent and kecedasannya, then this act can be categorized as human rights violations.
William Chang also mentioned in the article that never fit in in the media that the same compass, the application of the instrument on the multiple choice UAN also not too enough to represent cognitive ability, afektif, and students psikomotorik comprehensively and objectively. Long run indirectly, from one hand, this system will be more inclined to appreciate the students who have a high intelektualitas than children who have any level intelektualitas medium and low. That way students who have intelektualitas levels are low and will be a war if they mind or not competent enough. And if this continues it could not be denied that many students will in the future Indonesia will experience a mental decline, which then became one of the pengambat development of education in itself and this problem could have been classified as discriminatory in the world of formal education.

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Open University UT

Open University (UT) is the University of Indonesia to 45 in which inaugurated on 4 September 1984, based on Presidential Decree No RI. 41 Year in 1984.

A. The goal UT
UT established the following objectives:
1. provide the opportunity for a wide range of Indonesian citizens and foreign citizens, in any place of residence to obtain higher education;
2. provide higher education for them, because of work or because of other reasons, can not continue their study at universities in the face;
3. develop educational programs and academic professionals that are tailored to the needs of real development, which has not been developed by many other universities.

B. Teaching Learning System
UT implement a distance learning system and open. The term distance learning does not mean done in the face, but using the media, both print media (modules) and non-print (audio / video, computer / Internet, broadcast radio and television). The meaning of open is no age restriction, year diploma, the study, the time of registration, the frequency of the test, and so forth. The only restriction is that every UT student must have completed secondary education up (high school or the equivalent).

C. Learn how
UT students are expected to learn independently. Learn how to self-willed students to learn on their own initiative or initiatives. Independent study can be done alone or in groups, in both study groups or in tutorial groups. UT provides teaching materials that can be tailored to the study independently. In addition to using teaching materials provided by UT, students can also take the initiative to take advantage of the library, follow the tutorial either face-to-face or via the Internet, radio, and television, as well as using other sources of learning such as learning materials berbantuan computer programs and audio / video. When experiencing difficulty learning, students can request information or assistance to the tutorial Unit Remote Learning Program Open University (UPBJJ-UT) local.

Independent study in many cases determined by the ability to learn efficiently. Ability to learn depends on the speed of reading and reading ability to understand the contents. To be able to learn independently in an efficient, UT students have demanded self-discipline, initiative, and a strong motivation to learn. Students also are required to be able to manage time efficiently, so that learning can be based on a regularly scheduled study that determined its own. Therefore, in order to succeed in the UT study, prospective students must be prepared to learn independently.

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Tuesday, 3 February 2009 I Rakornas UT opened by the Rector of UT. On this occasion also held Press Conference and ISO Certificate Penyerahkan Promotion and Cooperation by SAI Global.

Next Press Release Content:
In order mengefektifkan coordination between the units in the Open University (UT) Center for Learning Program Unit with Remote (UPBJJ) UT, UT each year conducting the National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas). The Fiscal Year 2009, in 3 to 8 February 2009, UT Rakornas I organized in 2009 in the Central Council of UT, Pondok Cabe.
In this Rakornas, UT will build a new commitment, commitment to prepare for the UT Board of Legal Education of the Government (UT-BHPP) within a period of at least 4 years, in accordance with the deadlines specified in Article 65 paragraph (2) Tax Law : 9 Year 2009 on the Law of Education (BHP). BHP Law which was passed on January 16 2009, has been a source of positive law in the legal framework of the National Education component that binds all people, nations, and the State in accordance with the rights and responsibilities. For that, the theme Rakornas I UT 2009 is "stabilizing Step Towards
UT as BHPP ". Sub-theme is "Financial Accountability breast
UT as BHPP ".
Participants are Rakornas Officials UT Center Echelon I to Echelon III was 80, and 37-UT UPBJJ team which consists of the Head UPBJJ-UT, Kasubbag Administration (TU), Treasurer, Coordinator of the 2, and 1 of the ICT-UPBJJ UT. Rakornas I aim for 2009; (1) Generate Activity Plan and Budget Work Unit (RKA-UK) UPBJJ UT-final in 2009; (2) disseminating the policies of the new field of academic-related, financial, operational and Affairs, and the field of cooperation; (3) Conducting training for entry-Treasurer UPBJJ UT,
training for the marketing coordinator, training to ICT-for-an ICT staff, and guidance on financial management of KPPN BPKP and SPI's for the head-UPBJJ UT and TU Kasubbag, and other training relevant to the head and Kasubbag TU-UPBJJ UT; (4) maintain the belt at range between staff and leaders, both in the office of the UT Center and UT-UPBJJ through activities Outdoor Social Gathering diselingi Shows Shows on "UT Future."
Strategy Presentation material is Rakornas policies UT, finalization of the Work Group RKA-UK-UT UPBJJ with the Facilitation Team Facilitator Intensive, Training, Sports Co, and Social Gathering.

Meanwhile, the expected end result of this activity is Rakornas;

There are kesaman perception and understanding of new policies in the areas of academic, financial, operational and Affairs, and the range of cooperation between the leaders and staff with the UT Center for Religious leaders and staff at UT-UPBJJ;
RKA-UK-UT UPBJJ final in 2009 and has been signed by the Head BAUK / Vice Rector II;
Head UPBJJ and Kasubbag UT-TU-UT UPBJJ have a comprehensive and in depth about the financial management and accountability SPI;
The coordinator has the knowledge and skills of a good marketing;
Treasurer UPBJJ-UT has the knowledge and skills in bookkeeping financial accountability;
ICT has the power of knowledge and skills and a businesslike attitude in performing the task to an ICT-and
Terjalinnya strap at a close range between the familiar and the leaders of all staff and UT.

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