Online media,,, by Jove! Com,,, & appear to flare even attempt to go-public price is high. Community services & real must be built to push up the price IPO, do not fall as the Nasdaq. Success of the running time cut news from news sources in order to make minute media online competitors print & electronic media & making a loss of LKBN. This indication is in the cache server network & internet education WARNET. Successful online media due to loss of control mechanisms DEPPEN new order, although the control mechanism should remain replaced & & self-censor content rating by the public & media.

Standard issue in the media world is balancing information, pluralism of information against the information hegemony. Technology memungkinan implementation of community radio in the AM band strength 10-100 watt & be an alternative for small meneriakan people voted without any intermediaries, including students. Radio network between the community can concentrate on the network will support interactive WARNET diversity of information that awakened the self-help and community Swadana. Internet technology, real-audio, video allows real-awakened the community radio station cheap network television and even the community. Implementation of this technology is done to maintain diversity in the information society.

Press the campus seems to actively build their network and try to express people's conscience. Central Java dimotor press students at UGM and Not impossible smoothness information vertically actualization allows people without the need to face the victims and minimize PHH soul, in berdemokrasi, even if the mechanisms necessary without representation / party that the KPU functions.