Tuesday, 3 February 2009 I Rakornas UT opened by the Rector of UT. On this occasion also held Press Conference and ISO Certificate Penyerahkan Promotion and Cooperation by SAI Global.
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In order mengefektifkan coordination between the units in the Open University (UT) Center for Learning Program Unit with Remote (UPBJJ) UT, UT each year conducting the National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas). The Fiscal Year 2009, in 3 to 8 February 2009, UT Rakornas I organized in 2009 in the Central Council of UT, Pondok Cabe.
In this Rakornas, UT will build a new commitment, commitment to prepare for the UT Board of Legal Education of the Government (UT-BHPP) within a period of at least 4 years, in accordance with the deadlines specified in Article 65 paragraph (2) Tax Law : 9 Year 2009 on the Law of Education (BHP). BHP Law which was passed on January 16 2009, has been a source of positive law in the legal framework of the National Education component that binds all people, nations, and the State in accordance with the rights and responsibilities. For that, the theme Rakornas I UT 2009 is "stabilizing Step Towards
UT as BHPP ". Sub-theme is "Financial Accountability breast
UT as BHPP ".
Participants are Rakornas Officials UT Center Echelon I to Echelon III was 80, and 37-UT UPBJJ team which consists of the Head UPBJJ-UT, Kasubbag Administration (TU), Treasurer, Coordinator of the 2, and 1 of the ICT-UPBJJ UT. Rakornas I aim for 2009; (1) Generate Activity Plan and Budget Work Unit (RKA-UK) UPBJJ UT-final in 2009; (2) disseminating the policies of the new field of academic-related, financial, operational and Affairs, and the field of cooperation; (3) Conducting training for entry-Treasurer UPBJJ UT,
training for the marketing coordinator, training to ICT-for-an ICT staff, and guidance on financial management of KPPN BPKP and SPI's for the head-UPBJJ UT and TU Kasubbag, and other training relevant to the head and Kasubbag TU-UPBJJ UT; (4) maintain the belt at range between staff and leaders, both in the office of the UT Center and UT-UPBJJ through activities Outdoor Social Gathering diselingi Shows Shows on "UT Future."
Strategy Presentation material is Rakornas policies UT, finalization of the Work Group RKA-UK-UT UPBJJ with the Facilitation Team Facilitator Intensive, Training, Sports Co, and Social Gathering.
Meanwhile, the expected end result of this activity is Rakornas;
There are kesaman perception and understanding of new policies in the areas of academic, financial, operational and Affairs, and the range of cooperation between the leaders and staff with the UT Center for Religious leaders and staff at UT-UPBJJ;
RKA-UK-UT UPBJJ final in 2009 and has been signed by the Head BAUK / Vice Rector II;
Head UPBJJ and Kasubbag UT-TU-UT UPBJJ have a comprehensive and in depth about the financial management and accountability SPI;
The coordinator has the knowledge and skills of a good marketing;
Treasurer UPBJJ-UT has the knowledge and skills in bookkeeping financial accountability;
ICT has the power of knowledge and skills and a businesslike attitude in performing the task to an ICT-and
Terjalinnya strap at a close range between the familiar and the leaders of all staff and UT.