Founded Date: 4 September 1984
Founder: The Government of Indonesia
Manager: Ministry of National Education
Dies Natalis: 4 September
Open University (UT) is the university of to-45 in Indonesia, which inaugurated on 4 September 1984, based on Presidential Decree No RI. 41 Year in 1984. UT also is that most university students, more than 100,000, spread wide across the country. According to a distance education institution in the UK, UT, including one from "The Top Ten Mega Universities". UT ranks to-3 after a similar university in China and Turkey.
UT to Indonesia itself is a breakthrough that education is needed, because the attendance has been possible to accommodate all graduates SMU / SMK, how he was, in any place of residence. The cost is cheap compared to conventional universities. UT does not need the "capital" of the lecture is not the face, so do not need a lecture hall. Course materials sent via mail or the Internet. And activities for the test, tutorial, or discussion groups, UT only enough to rent a place.
UT system apply learning "remote" and "open". The term "distance learning" means learning not done in the face, but using the media, both print media (modules) and non-print (audio / video, computer / internet, broadcast radio and television). The meaning of "open" is no age restriction, year diploma, the study, the time of registration, how many times students can take exams, and so forth. The only restriction is that every UT student must have completed secondary education up (high school or the equivalent).
UT students are expected to learn independently. Learning not only means that the independent study alone. Learn how to self-willed students to learn on their own initiative or initiatives. Thus, the study can be done independently or in groups, in both study groups or in tutorial groups. In addition to using teaching materials provided at UT, students can also take the initiative to take advantage of the library, following the broadcast, follow the tutorial and learn to use other sources such as learning materials berbantuan computer programs and audio / video. When experiencing difficulty learning, students can request information or ask for help tutor, either face-to-face, by telephone, electronic mail (e-mail), fax, or by post.
Like other higher education, also implement the UT System Credit Semester (SKS) to define the burden of study students each semester. One semester is a time for learning activities around 15 sunday.
Student study load is expressed in units of semester credit (SKS). To achieve an SKS, students are expected to learn the material during three-hour lesson per week. Special to UT, one SKS disetarakan with three modules of teaching materials, and to learn a control module with the 80 percent needed around 15 hours per semester.
In education, UT to work together with all the universities in the country of Indonesia. In every city there is a university of the country, units of available service called UT Unit Remote Learning Program (UPBJJ). Universities in the country as a builder UPBJJ and help in the writing of teaching materials, tutorials, praktikum, and test.
To provide optimal service to the education of students spread across the country and abroad, UT work with other institutions such as PT Pos Indonesia, Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), Television of the Republic of Indonesia (TVRI), Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI ), Local Government Radio Broadcast, Radio Broadcast Private Commerce, Offices / Office of Education, Education Atase KBRI, RI National Library, and library areas.
Open University is also working with institutions that want to improve the quality of the resources of their employees, whether government agencies, state-owned, and private. They can follow the program in the UT or order a new program of study in accordance with the needs instansinya. UT has to get over this trust of the government to improve the quality of elementary school teachers through a program known as Program Penyetaraan D2 SD Teachers. In addition, UT has also got the trust to improve the quality of human resources from the military, Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), PT Bank BNI (Bank Negara Indonesia), PT Garuda Indonesia, PT Merpati Nusantara, the Ministry of Agriculture, Setwapres, and several other institutions.
Serving UT form of teaching materials:
- Print Material Ajar: Books Main Content (BMP), Supplements book material. User's Guide and Practice Praktikum, and other reference.
- Non-Material Ajar Print: audio cassettes, video tapes, radio and television broadcasts, of teaching materials in berbantuan computer diskette or CD.
- Bahan Ajar Print and Non-Print: Audiografis
Students can choose the type of tutorial in accordance with the interests or abilities. Type of tutorial that can be followed by students is as follows:
- Face-to-face tutorials
- Tutorial written by mail: Students can send questions about the lecture material to the head of the program of study each with address, name of faculty, Open University, PO BOX 6666, Jakarta 10001 or via Fax (021) 7490147.
- Tutorial through radio, television, and mass media: Students can follow the tutorial through the Programa National RRI radio waves FM 93.2 at 08.10 WIB. Tutorials are held through this radio 5 times in a week. While the tutorial through TVRI can disimak students on certain days. In addition, some local mass media also provides a tutorial for UT students. This information can be asked to staff UPBJJ-UT.
- Tutorial on Internet
Some subjects offered by the UT subjects or practice praktikum. Praktikum activities or practices carried out under the guidance of instructors. Praktikum practice or implementation can be done by individual students or groups using the kit or laboratory facilities in the area. UT also offers a course The professional capabilities that can be done by the students under the guidance penyelia / supervisor.
Evaluation of student learning is done in the form of UT Task Mandiri, the tasks of face-to-face tutorials Special Plan, or Praktikum Practice Exam, Oral Exam, End Semester Exam (UAS), and the Comprehensive Written Examination (UKT). For certain courses there are subjects that study the results of evaluation tests conducted through The professional ability.
UT has two categories of education program and regular program of non-regular program. The program is a regular education program that can be followed by the general public. While non-regular program is a program that was held specifically. At the time this course is included in the program is non-regular program Penyetaraan D2 Elementary Teacher Education (PGSD) and S1-PGSD Program. While the other courses included in the regular program.
Long period of study or study at UT depends on the ability to learn and study time each student. For example, in order to complete the program S1 State Administration students must cover a number of subjects that have been determined with the overall study load 144 SKS. When the registration period each student is able to climb 15 SKS, then the study can be completed within 10 registration period, or approximately 5 years.
Academic leave (On Being a Student Non) academic leave is one of convenience given to students who for any reason can not follow the lecture. Students can take academic leave for 4 (four) the registration in succession without the need to report to UT. Akademiknya before the leave expires, the student should be subject to registration, the status of kemahasiswaannya is not lost.